

listening: elizabethtown soundtrack, david gray, james blunt
reading: ragamuffin gospel, the historian

wow, it's been over a month since i sat at my parent's computer & wrote the last entry. i'd use some overworn cliche like 'time flies when you're having fun', but the reality is that time flies no matter what you're doing. the past month hasn't been all fun.

leaving calgary was hard for some reason this time. then i got sick for two weeks. and there's the ongoing stress that sometimes seems relentless.

but in the midst of the bad, come moments of brilliance. spending time with the fam & getting to michigan to see angie. after months of reading & deliberating FINALLY booking my trip to paris (yes, to all who thought it would never happen...i leave on may 7!). actually getting a car (still having a hard time wrapping my mind around my newfound mobility). getting to see a concept i worked on for months hanging in the worship centre & getting carried around by hundreds of people.

i feel as though i have wasted so much of my life waiting for ... something. like chantal kreviazuk's song 'time', "i should have known better/i shouldn't have wasted those days/and afternoons and mornings i threw them all away." no more. i'm done waiting.

i'm going to paris. i'm going to write the book. i'm going to take a chance.

here i come.


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