here are my notes from the first session, what i learned from master leaders by george barna. i missed the first half of his talk as i was doing registration, but i still have copious notes.
- a leader's job is to help people understand and make sense of reality.
- there is a difference between teaching and leadership; too many people with the gift of teaching/preaching confuse it with the God-given gift of leadership.
1. leaders can change reality, but they cannot change people.
- if people don't have the desire an will to change themselves, they will not.
- once a person reaches the age of 13, they change very little.
- our best strategy is to work with who people are, who God has created them to be.
- if you are absolutely committed to changing lives, work with children.
2. nobody is the complete leadership package, so it's important to work as part of a leadership team.
- there is a fine line between arrogance and self conficence.
- great leadership teams are: small in numbers (4-6); spend time together, know each other; have shared vision, values and passion; are vulnerable and communicate with each other; strive to empower people.
3. the most undervalued and overlooked skill a leader needs is listening.
- it takes practice and discipline to know how to listen properly.
- we need to seriously evaluate how good we are at listening.
- do the people i work with feel safe to tell me what is on their mind?
4. leaders must master handling conflict and confrontation.
- we must normalize conflict.
- when you sense something happening, seize the initiative and address it.
- know the facts and understand the facets of the situation.
- position yourself as a friend and not a foe of those involved.
- be sure to ask clarifying questioning and listen to answers.
- seek a win-win outcome.
- the goal is to solve the problem, not win the fight.
- sometimes you have to create conflict within your team.
- leaders bring danger with them, beause they seek the truth.
- do people appreciate my leadership because it is safe or because i make them uncomfortable and challenge them?
5. what is success?
- you get what you measure (eg. attendance, $, programs, building)
- success is helping people achieve their potential in Christ.
- great leadership is not synonymous with popularity.
- never ask people following you to do what you yourself would not do.
6. do not accept a leadership position unless you are willing to pay a steep price.
- great leaders are identifiable by their passion for truth and justice, but this will make people uncomfortable and make some enemies.
- pressure purifies and prepares you for a higher calling.
- two kinds of pressure: internal and eternal.
- ignore external pressure.
- pay attention to internal pressure, it is more real.
- lean on God for strength and encouragement.
- examine motivations for leading, be honest with hwo you are an why you are leading; what are your convictions?
- rely on your close family and friends for honesty and feedback.
- people need to be led.
- leading isn't a job, it's a calling of God.
- success = partnering with God to see lived changed.
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