he and others from my brother's church are going to guatemala
if you are at all missions minded, then this won't seem like much to you. if you've ever boarded a plane, train or anything else and went somewhere else to serve people you've never met, then you already get it, and you might not see the greatness that inspires me here.
but this is my dad.
my dad, who was born with the same wanderlust that flows through my veins, but who lived a responsible, steady life, working for most of his years inside a Chrysler plant to support four kids, at least one of whom i can tell you was not in the least grateful at the time. my dad, who got to go on his first {and only-so far} trip to europe by winning a corny joke contest. my dad, who, like me, always wants to go somewhere {see his comment at the end of this post}. my dad, who has supported and prayed for and encouraged me in all my missions endeavors.
my dad.
as a little girl, your dad is the hero who can do anything. then, somewhere along the road to puberty, you start to think you don't need him any more, and he becomes less heroic and more prosaic. then, hopefully one day, if we are patient and observant, we get to see our dad become the man that God has intended him to be...and realize that all along, he has been our hero.
i love you, daddy!
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