

so many things run into each other, crashing, bumping and moving around in my mind. like bumper cars.

hit and bounce.

move on.

hit and bounce.

hit and bounce.

people, more importantly friends, i believe, come into our lives at times when we most need them. i've seen it happen time and again throughout my 16,000 plus days. so, for someone who sees books as friends, the arrival of Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts has been a welcomed addition to my life.

a well-timed, beautifully written book can help clarify all that seems muddled and jumbled and impossibly tangled in my mind. and the combination of this book, studying Ecclesiastes with my small group, and good friends who listen as i try to detangle everything going on in my mind has made the last few days a gift.

not a completely pain-free gift, but a gift nonetheless.

but even as i read and pray and talk, recognizing the wisdom here, i realize that one cannot swallow it all whole and expect to live it out from that moment on perfectly. wisdom doesn't work that way. not much that is truly important in life does.
"For all real answers, don't they come in strata, gradations of understanding? —Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts
for all the important things in life, time is the necessary ingredient. time to work it out, live it out, let the gift of wisdom seep into your soul and change you from the inside out.

so all these gifts, these words—written, spoken and prayed—are my companions through this season of too much silence, not enough answers, and a renewed discovery of grace.

my heart is filled with gratitude...


Anonymous said...


I am delighted to see that you have discovered Ann Voskamp! For the past year I have been reading her blog. My response to her posts alternates from being challenged, to dissolving in a heap of tears, to just saying "Ahh!" There is a strong anointing on her words.

I have ordered several copies of her book, but they have not yet arrived. I await the delivery eagerly. Perhaps we can compare notes once we've both read One Thousand Gifts. Did you know that the Bloom Book Club (DaySpring {in}courage) is discussing Ann's book on Sundays and Wednesdays? They are posting videos for the various chapters.

Happy reading, my friend!

Hilda ♡

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