
even more patience...

well, i had fully planned on posting on Saturday... but clearly, it didn't happen!

i am way off my usual schedule, sleeping in until the un-suzi-like hour of 7:00 am, and finding it difficult to get back into routine. Pastor Doug's saturday night sermon on disruptions could have been preached just for me.

just so you know, i am fully aware of the fact that i'm MIA right now, and i am working hard to get back to my usual habits.

and because i have made you wait...
The Wait
by Ranier Maria Rilke

It is life in slow motion,
it's the heart in reverse,
it's a hope-and-a-half:
too much and too little at once.

It's a train that suddenly
stops with no station around,
and we can hear the cricket,
and, leaning out the carriage

door, we vainly contemplate
a wind we feel that stirs
the blooming meadows, the meadows
made imaginary by this stop.


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