
review: 50 Ways To Feel Great Today by David B. Biebel DMin and James E. Dill MD and Bobbie Dill RN

in one respect, 50 Ways To Feel Great Today: Keys to Beating Stress, Worry and the Blues really had me at the title. after all, who doesn't want to improve how they're feeling? but then there was that skeptical side of me, that felt as though the book cover was offering more than it could possibly deliver. so i cracked it open...

each chapter is one of 50 suggestions of things that almost everyone can do with little or no cost, that will enhance their life within a short period of time. from simple things like 'make a memory' and 'save your day with a nap', to some that require a bit of planning, such as 'schedule a massage' and 'visit a museum', this book is packed with great ideas whose only goal is to help the reader enhance their life.

none of the suggestions are earth-shatteringly original, but given given the relentless everyday-ness of life, it is the simple things that we tend to overlook, and most need reminders for.

i recommend 50 Ways as a resource to help view life from a different perspective, or simply pull one out of the doldrums.

available january 2010 at your favorite bookseller.


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